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We Are From YICSD College

In Modern day, most of people are wish to educate about "Hair, Beauty Culture, Cake Making & Aari Embroidery”. And nowadays trend is going to fulfilling their beauty sculpture by using many of Body and Beauty Treatments as well as Hair Treatments and methods. Then those type of people will going to study about relevant Courses, and they won't find the Correct & Professional institute. Recently, we identified that lack of "Skills Development Centers" in Sri Lanka and; today we give to you correct and accurate guideline "Yarl International College of Skills Development".

The Yarl International College of Skills Development Center in Jaffna is the first private Skill Development Center in Jaffna. Our Lecture panel is equipped with the finest expertise in the field to impart a peerless experience & knowledge to the students.The Yarl International College of Skills Development has trained thousands of young Sri Lankans, and most of these young people are successfully employed.


The Yarl International College of Skills Development Center in Jaffna is the first private Skill Development Center in Jaffna.

Our Vision

To be the leading Higher Education Provider in Sri lanka.

Our Mission

Our mission is together with internationally reputed Universities and Educational Institutes, to provide high quality educational programs and Strengthening The Knowledge Society Through Innovative Teaching & Learning Skills